Apple Users, “Macs Don’t Get Viruses” is NOT A True Statement

Apple Users, “Macs Don’t Get Viruses” is NOT A True Statement

Last week on Friday, a group of researchers in Palo Alto Networks have found a popular BitTorrent client for Apple OS X software was infected with a ransomware – encrypts your data, then holds it hostage until you pay in BitCoins to get it decrypted – called  ” KeyRanger”. The attackers asks for $400 (1BitCoins) to get your data back.

This not the first time it happened, Kaspersky Labs has discovered such a thing back in 2014. Which means this is a new rising to these type of attacks on the Mac Platform.

“After completing the encryption process, KeRanger demands that victims pay one bitcoin (about $400) to a specific address to retrieve their files,” the researchers wrote in their findings. “Additionally, KeRanger appears to still be under active development and it seems the malware is also attempting to encrypt Time Machine backup files to prevent victims from recovering their back-up data.”

Since then, they say Apple has revoked the security certificate exploited by KeRanger and updated its XProtect antivirus software.

What does it mean for you?

  • Backup, Backup your data everyday to an offsite location – Cloud Service
  • Don’t believe the whole ” Macs don’t get viruses” YES, they do get viruses, and expect more.
  • Use common sense when it comes to opening files from untrusted sources.
  • Use email filtering system
  • Have a professional review your security and disaster recovery plan.

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